Daily Prompt: Mirror, Mirror – Who Am I?

In response to Daily Prompt: Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall.

Think of your blog as a mirror: what does it reveal? Consider your blog name, theme choice, design, bio, posts… what does every element tell you about yourself?

Theme: I chose the Ocean Mist theme and put my own header image in.  I liked the simplicity of this theme.  Things are not cluttered because clutter confuses me. I changed the header image yesterday because I recently started following someone who also has this theme.  The photo I chose is from a vacation a few weeks ago, when hubby and I went to the Smoky Mountains on the Motorcycle.  We were riding along one of the many beautiful mountain roads that is set up with plenty of overlooks, and were being bombarded by HUGE bugs.  Turns out they were butterflies.  It was a bit hazy that day, so it wasn’t all that worthwhile to take yet another picture of the fog, so I focused on the butterflies in the beautiful flowers.  This picture makes me remember the wonderful time we had together, all relaxed and stress free.

Posts: This is related to the name of my blog as well, Randomness Expressed.  I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stick to a focused topic, hence Randomness.  My blog is pretty new, but my top topics I’ve used (according to my tags) include: Daily Prompt, Kids, Parenting, Autism, Self Improvement, and Motorcycle.  My most popular post: Daily Prompt from 8/13/2013.  I’m slowly gaining an audience and the Daily Prompts aid in getting people into my blog.  My most popular non Daily Prompt post is School Lockdown, also from yesterday.

About Page: Here you will learn that you might like my blog if you aren’t looking for too much focus.  I give you an idea of what I’ll be writing about.  You’ll also see a picture of me and my family and learn that I have a special, special needs kid.

I hope you’ll stop by and learn a little more about me.  And I’m looking forward to reading more about the rest of you!

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